Geometric Progression :Important formulas

Geometric Progression

Geometric Progression (GP) is a sequence, in which next term in the sequence is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a fixed number, and the fixed number is called the Common Ratio.

Example: 5,15,45,135  … is a GP with first term 5 and common difference 3

geometric progression formulas and short cuts

General form of Geometric Progression

A geometric sequence or a progression is one in which the ratio between two consecutive terms is constant. This ratio is known as the common ratio denoted by ‘r’, where r ≠ 0. The  elements of the sequence be denoted by:

a, ar, ar2, ar3, … , arn-1  

common ratio ‘r’= successive term/preceding term =a2/a1 = a3/a2 = = an/an-1 

Types of Geometric Progression

Geometric progression can be classified as

  •          Finite Geometric Progression (Finite GP)
  •          Infinite Geometric Progression (Infinite GP)

Finite G.P. is a sequence that contains finite terms in a sequence and can be written as a, ar, ar2, ar3,……arn-1, arn

Example :2,4,6,8,10…….98,100

Infinite G.P. is a sequence that contains infinite terms and can be written as a, ar, ar2, ar3,……arn-1, arn……..

 Example : 2,4,6,8,10…….98,100…………..

 Nth Term of a Geometric Progression

nth term of a G.P whose first term is ‘a’ and number of terms in sequence is ‘n’ can be written as

an = arn-1

nth term of a G.P if last term is known.

an = l/rn-1

where, l is the last term

 Sum of the First n Terms of a finite  Geometric Progression

Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence is given by:

Sn = a(1 – rn)/(1 – r), if r < 1

Sn = a(rn -1)/(r – 1), if r > 1

 Sum of the First n Terms of a infinite  Geometric Progression

 If  number of terms in geometric progression approaches infinity (n = ∞).

The sum of infinite geometric progression can only be defined at the range of |r| < 1.

S = a(1 – rn)/(1 – r)

S = (a – arn)/(1 – r)

S = a/(1 – r) – arn/(1 – r)

For n -> ∞, the quantity (arn) / (1 – r) → 0 for |r| < 1, 


S= a/(1-r), where |r| < 1

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