Methods and Tips for solving Statement and Assumptions

 Statement and Assumptions Questions for Competitive Exams 

In this type of questions one statement which is followed by  assumptions, is given . The  candidates have to decide which of the assumptions are implicit in the given statement. Before answering the questions, it is necessary to understand the  meaning of assumption. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. The following example will illustrate the idea clearly.

 Example-Below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

  • Give answer (A) if only assumption I is implicit.
  • Give answer (B) if only assumption II is implicit.
  • Give answer (C) if either I or II is implicit.
  • Give answer (D) if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Give answer (E) if both I and II are implicit.

1. Statement-Go by aeroplane to reach Aurangabad from Bombay quickly.
I. Bombay and Aurangabad are connected by aeroplane service.
II. There is no other means of going from Bombay to Aurangabad.

Answer with Explanation (A)-As in statement it is given that to reach Aurangabad from Bombay quickly and should go by aeroplane, therefore, it is clear both the cities i.e., Bombay and Aurangabad must be connected by aeroplane service. Hence assumption I is implicit. The word 'Quickly' indicates that there are other means also of going from Bombay to Aurangabad but they take longer than by aeroplane. Hence assumption II is not implicit. Therefore, the answer is (A).

2.Statement-Watch XYZ T.V.; your best choice.
I. Among the available T .V. programmes people will always select only one choice consistently.
II. Those who prepare programmes for 'XYZ T.V.' know what the people consider as the 'Best

Answer with Explanation (B)
-From the statement it is assumed that XYZ T.V  Programmes are good. so, Those who prepare programmes for 'XYZ T.V.' know what the people consider as the 'Best.
If XYZ T.V Programmes are good ,it doesn’t imply that people people will always select only one choice consistently .
So,only Statement II is implicit.

3. Statement: Unemployment allowance should be given to all unemployed Indian youth above 18 years of age.
I. There are unemployed youth in India who needs monetary support.
II. The government has sufficient funds to provide allowance to all unemployed youth.

Answer with Explanation (A)- Assumption I directly follows from the statement and so is implicit. But the statement does not tell about a government policy or its current position of funds. So, II is not implicit.

4. Statement : Many people fell ill after consuming meal at a wedding reception and were rushed to the nearby govt. and private hospitals.
Assumptions :
I. The relatives of the affected people may refuse to take them to the Govt. hospitals.
II. The nearby hospitals may be able to attend to all the affected people.

Answer with Explanation (B)-Assumption II is implicit because assuming this people were rushed to nearby hospitals. Statement does’t talks about peoples attitude towards Govt.Hospitals. So, II is not implicit.

Tips for solving Statement and Assumption Questions.

While Solving statement and Assumption questions ,keep in mind the following points.

1. Assumptions should be directly from the statement, not from our real life experiences or actual facts.

Statement: Take a ferry or a boat instead of a bus to reach the Willington Islands faster.
(I) The islands being in remote location are not easily accessible.
(II) Ferries and boats are available to travel to Willington Island..

Answer. Assumption I is not implicit, even if based on your real life experiences.
In statement, it is clearly stated that ferry or boat service save time to reach island, that means they are available to travel to Willington island. So II is implicit.

2. Assumptions should not be ambiguous.

Statement: An advertisement in the newspaper - 'Learn C++ course to get a highly paid job'.
(I) All those who learn C++ get highly paid jobs.
(II) Only a foreign language can get someone a high paying job.

Answer:The word 'all' makes the assumption I ambiguous. Similarly word 'only' makes assumption II ambiguous. So, both assumption are not true as per the statement so they are not implicit.

3. Words such as 'all', 'every', 'each', 'only', etc. in Assumption

Example1 : Based on the Statement which of the following Assumptions are implicit.
Statement: Blast happened at the XYZ Cement factory last week was contributed by unskilled labours .Assumptions:
1.All labours of the factory is unskilled.
2.Only few labours are unskilled.

Answer. It is certain that factory has unskilled labours. But it doesn’t imply that ALL labours are unskilled. Statement doesn’t reveal that how many or how much unskilled labours are there. So,both assumptions are not implicit. Here the words ‘All’ and ‘Only’ makes the assumption ambiguous.

Example 2 : Based on the Statement which of the following Assumptions are implicit
Statement :Bangalore metro train service income mainly depends on the techies working in various MNCs.
1. Every passenger of Bangalore metro train service is a techie working in an MNC.
2. Each and every Techie uses Bangalore metro train service for daily commute.
3. Most of the passengers of Bangalore metro train service are techies working in various MNCs.

Answer: From the statement it is clear that majority of passengers are techies. But it doesn’t imply that Every passenger is a Techy or each and every techie uses metro service.
So, Assumptions 1&2 are not implicit, and 3 is implicit.

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